Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nov. 1-5

Hi Parents,
This week we will highlight the book Leafman by Lois Ehlert, she has written many wonderful books.
Monday--we will make gathering pouches out of fabric, roll corn on leaves and put spiders on the webs
that we made on Friday.
Wednesday--we will tie a handle on the pouches, paint a fall tree and go on a nature walk to collect
leaves in the pouches.
Friday--(Individual pictures)  We will make our own leafman with the things we collected, use crunched
up leaves to decorate a leaf and use watercolors to paint a tree.
Dates to remember in November--
Friday, Nov. 5th--Individual Pictures  Curly will take three pictures and then in a couple of weeks you will
get an order form and the proofs, at that time you can order pictures if you would like.
Friday, Nov. 19th--Fire Department will visit the school.
Monday, Nov. 22nd--Friendship feast
Hope you a nice weekend!

Monday, October 25, 2010


Hello Parents,
Hope you are all doing well.  We had a great turn out for the Fultano's Pizza Night.  Thanks to those of you
who were able to attend or get a pizza to go.  Every little bit helps and we really appreciate the extra effort!
This week we will focus on the book Go Away Big Green Monster. 
Tuesday:  We will finger paint our green monster face, make a stained glass window, and make spider necklaces.
We will also take a picture to make our first class book, Go Away Big (name) Monster.
Wednesday:  Pumpkin Carving Night at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall.
Thursday:  Make the rest of the monster, put the Monster book together and paint with water colors.
Thank you very much for all you do for our school.
Have a great week, Andy


Hello Parents,
Hope you are all doing well.  We had a great turn out for the Fultano's Pizza Night.  Thanks to those of you
who were able to attend or get a pizza to go.  Every little bit helps and we really appreciate the extra effort.
This week we will be talking about spiders and finishing up our farm books.
Monday:  we will cut out pictures and put them into the farm books, talk about the life cycle of a spider,
and make salt dough spiders.  We will highlight the book The Very Busy Spider, and act out the nursery
rhyme Little Miss Muffet.
Wednesday:    We will finish our farm books and read them, paint the salt dough spiders, roll paint webs
and make spider necklaces.   Pumpkin Carving Night in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30.
Friday:  We will play in green corn starch slime, paint with q tips to make a web and make donut
It looks like a wet and windy week.  Hopefully we will be able to play in the gym!
Thanks again for all you do for our school.

Monday, October 11, 2010

10/11 and 10/13

Hi Parents,
Just a quick note about this week.
We will start our pumpkin unit.
We will sing the song 5 Little Pumpkins Sitting on the Gate.
Monday--we will cut out pumpkins, investigate pumpkins (first the outside) and
hammer tees into pumpkins.
Wednesday-- We will paint a face on our pumpkin, talk about the pumpkin life cycle
and investigate the inside of the pumpkin.  The am class will work on scrapbooks.
Friday--No school  Phone Conferences
I will call you sometime Thursday, Friday or over the weekend.
Reminder--Wednesday Oct. 20th Pumpkin Patch at my house. 
Permission Slips will go home this week.
Thank you so much for all you do for our school!!
Have a wonderful week.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Hi Everyone,
We are off and running with a great start to our preschool year.
Your children are a pleasure and we are having so much fun! Thanks for sharing them with me.
Tuesday--We will paint an apple with special sticky shaving cream paint
and add a worm, we will taste and compare different colored apples
and we will make a stained glass apple. We will have Art Literacy in the
art room.
Wednesday--Auction meeting 7:00
Thursday--We will use fingers to print apples on an apple tree and we
will use biscuits to make a little apple pie. We will also ride bikes!
The dramatic playroom has become a veterinary hospital.
The first three weeks have been wonderful!! Thank you for all of your
help and cooperation. I feel very fortunate to have such a great group
of parents. Andy

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Hi Everyone,
We are off and running with a great start to our preschool year.
Your children are a pleasure and we are having so much fun! Thanks for sharing them with us.
On Wednesday we will be making apple sauce and we are looking for an apple peeler. If anyone has one that we can borrow for the week let us know.
Monday: We will make prints with apples, taste apples and talk about
how apples grow and mix the colors yellow and red.
Wednesday: Please have your child bring in one apple. We will make
apple sauce, count and graph apples and paint apple trees.
Auction meeting at 7:00
Friday: No school
The dramatic playroom has become a veterinary hospital.
The first three weeks have been wonderful!! Thank you for all of your
help and cooperation. We feel very fortunate to have such a great group
of parents. Andy and Anne

Saturday, September 25, 2010

next week

Hello Parents,
I just want to write a quick note to let you know how much I am enjoying your children.
After two weeks things have settled down and I am seeing lots of cooperation.
I also wanted to thank those of you who have been in to parent help. It is nice
to have a chance to get to know new parents and visit with returning parents,
thank you.
My plan for next week (usually I will give you a monthly plan).
4's and PM (9/27-10/1)
Monday--Start painting a sunflower, pick seeds out of a sunflower, plant sunflower seeds
and pebbles to compare later in the week.
Wednesday--(Safety Fair)--Make police officers and badges, paint stem of sunflower, and
observe seeds and pebbles.
Friday--Observational drawing of a sunflower (for every season there is a flower), seed
names. We will have open school.
Saturday--School cleaning for those of you who have signed up.
Tuesday--We will focus on the book Mouse Paint, we will mix the colors red and yellow,
pick sunflower seeds and paint with grass.
Thursday--We will mix red and blue and use spools and potato mashers to make prints.
We will have bikes for the first time, you can send a helmet with your child if
you have one or we have helmets that can be used.
Thanks again for all your help and dedication to our school.